Sunday, June 18, 2006

Me, Ed, and the Gang from Homestead

Joey and I headed down to Miami Thursday for the C3 conference led by Ed Young—pastor of Fellowship Church. It was super enriching! We were challenged to surround ourselves with the right people (right they) and stay away from the negative people (wrong they I soaked it up like a brand new sponge being plunged into a bucket full of water for the first time. Then, being overfilled and running over, I felt like being rung out and soaking up some more.
Pictures are worth a thousand words. I don’t know exactly how I ended up sitting next to Ed Young. But I enjoyed the time spent with him there. Anyhow, maybe some of Ed’s brilliance rubbed off on me. Or, maybe the anointing will flow down to me in a double portion. Afterwards, we hung around to do some brainstorming with Pastor Travis and some of his key leaders. It was enriching to see the passion that was birthed by this conference. Everyone seemed to have some input as to how our churches can be remarkable instead of invisible. We all decided that we should get back to the basics and reconsider or values.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Many Christians struggle through life carrying unnecessary spiritual baggage. That’s not the life God has for us. According to scripture, we should lay aside all the heaviness that slows down our forward progress.
In this series, we will learn to identify some things that are holding us back and overcome them.
Series begins Sunday June 25 @ 10:00 AM.

Here's a sneak peak

6/25 baggage check
7/2 overcoming addictions
7/9 emotional baggage
7/16 released from depression