Tuesday, May 08, 2007

King Herod's Tomb Found?

Researchers from a University in Israel are claiming to have found the tomb of King Herod the great.
Althought there is no body in the tomb, they believe the
sarcophagus with ornate displays is that of King Herod; however, researchers say they must have some sort of "name inscription" to confirm this.
Herod the great came into power under the Romans in about AD 40. The walls that can be seen around Jerusalem today were built under the leadership of King Herod, during the time of the rebuilding of the second temple. He also was involved in the massive construction projects
in Caesaria, Jericho, the hilltop fortress of Massada and other locations.
Interestingly enough, he was also blamed in the Gospel of Mathew for ordering innocent male infants to be executed in Bethelehem, because he feared losing power to the "new king" which was prophesied to be born there.
One researcher has been on this site since 1970. He claims that there is a long road ahead of them to confirm the identity of King Herod. But, he states that he is on the right track.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

A Praise for the Praise Band

Our praise band rocks. God has allowed Life Pointe to be tapped into the most amazing musicians and vocals in Charlotte County.
I remember a few months ago, we were struggling with just pretty much a "one man band." now, that was great for that season we were in and the people involved done an excellent job, but we are moving up into a full scale worship band...and I'm stoked.
We recently brought on Joel Burritt to lead our worship with an acoustic guitar. I was overwhelmed with his ability to belt the praises of the most hight and play that guitar like it's nobody's business; but, I think his greater gift is the ability to organize a full worship band and lead an entire congregation into the presence of God. I believe our worship is epic in proportion!
Joel is an awesome leader, but it takes more to be great than just one person. It takes a team! Joel is surrounded with a great team of vocals and musicians.
Joe, Nancy, Sheri, Aaron, Melanie, and Mike you guys are one of a kind. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. you've been patient and faithful. and, it takes every one of you to make this a TEAM.