Sunday, February 26, 2006

Paintball: The Competitor's Choice

If there is any thing I love, it is competitive sports. The sheer excitement of beating my opponent keeps me involved in any event. I guess that is why I recently was drawn to the paintball sport.
Today, we gathered a group of Life Pointe members, camouflage gear, Co2, and several buckets of paintballs, and we were off to the woods.
There are many different games that can be played (e.g. capture the flag, elimination, etc.). , today we chose elimination.
We moved tactfully through the woods to catch and shoot our opponents before they could shoot us. It was much like the game we played as children call "hide and seek." Some would hide, others would advance.
The worst thing is thinking you are safe behind some palmetto bushes, and hearing a fully automatic gun followed by pain to your back.
Our team won one game out of four games. Not bad for amateurs!

1 comment:

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