Sunday was one of those mornings that seemed nothing could go right. My family woke up late (after an exhausting week of moving and laying wood laminate), struggled with some last minute preparations, and hit the door running. We needed to be at the school to set up for worship service by 8:30 AM.
Well, we didn’t get there until 9:15. But when we arrived, a great team of volunteers had already set-up the auditorium. That’s what it’s all about! Great leaders rising to the occasion and making things happen, when circumstances arise that are out of the norm. Great job guys and ladies!
Brian had an amazing line-up for the worship. Not only was it a great line-up, but the worship band resonated the auditorium with high quality, energetic worship. I enjoyed every song.
By the time the worship ended, I was chomping at the bit to get on stage. The people were ready to hear the Word. I have been doing a series on baggage. This series has offered a season of revelation and restoration. As I finished preaching, I felt like there was a strong connection made to the people with the Word.
However, the highlight of the service was not the worship or the preaching…it was the altar call. Everyone in the building was at the altar seeking to be free from various “baggage” issues. It was a touching moment. Tears were not lacking. Even the strong melted in the hands of the King. I tarried there for some time as I didn’t get a release to close the service. So, I just continued to pray.
All of a sudden, I looked up at the back of the auditorium, and there was a young man (whom I’ve never seen before) standing there crying. I immediately motioned him down and asked him if I could pray for him… he said, “sure.” So I prayed for him as I would anyone. He wept and cried, but it seemed he didn’t understand what was going on.
After the service, I caught the young man and asked him about his faith. He could not answer me verbally. The only thing he could do was cry and nod his head( with stammering lips). So I asked him several questions about his walk with God. Bottom line, he did not know any thing about God or Jesus. I asked him if he felt Jesus. He nodded that he did. So, I asked him if he wanted to accept Christ and he shook his head, yes! We prayed, he repented of his sins, and accepted Christ.
When he came around enough that I could communicate with him, I asked several questions. Was he there to pick someone up? Where did this he come from? How long had he been there? How could I help him? Etc. His response elated me. He said he’d been jogging at the school and wanted a drink of water, so he went up into the school. When he got in the school, he heard us praying in the auditorium. He then went into the auditorium to see what was going on. Everyone at the altar praying and he stated, "I was captivated." He watched for a couple minutes, and then He said, “I could not move…I felt something like I have never felt before.” And that’s the moment I looked up and motioned him to come down.
I was pumped! And to think, he didn’t even hear my sermon.