Sunday, July 15, 2007

Summin' Up Sunday

Well, I can tell that it’s summertime. Today, Life Pointe's people are all over the country enjoying life and their time off with their children. So, when I looked around the auditorium this morning, I could count four or five entire families that were out. Now, to larger churches, missing four of five families is not a big deal. But, to a small church like Life Pointe, we felt it to the core.

However, despite a skeletal congregation, God met with us this morning. Here are a couple things I observed:

  • We were actually finished with our set-up by 9:15. This was a goal that was set last month at our leadership meeting.
  • The serpent showed up a church, but didn’t make it inside. There actually was a small ground rattler hiding in the corner of the building, right off the sidewalk as you walk to the auditorium.
  • Joe Marchese was out on vacation this morning, so Jeremy stepped up and played the bass for the praise team. You rock, jeremey!
  • Mike went to be in church with his wife. Logan has taken over as drummer again. What an enhancement to the team. He’s the best! Not just because he’s my son either.
  • Aaron, Melanie, Logan, and Jeremy led worship like they have been playing together for years. Good job, guys and ladies.
  • We are making our descent into the final message of the series “Sickness Within.” This morning, we dealt with “Control.” I had a blast with this topic. Here’s a couple thoughts:
    • Wikepedia defines a control freak as: A person who has an obsessive need to control other people or situations.
    • As Christians, we must “lose control.”

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