Sunday, October 09, 2005

One Man's Trash is Another Man''s Treasure

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” stated the spokesman on NBC Sunday night, as the camera man panned over mounds of rubble and trash left by Hurricane Katrina. I immediately thought to myself, what good thing could come out of that mess? Is there really a treasure in the midst of all that muck and disaster?
Chuckling, I remembered some things my dad said when I was young. Embarrassingly enough, as a child, my dad would take us up and down the road on trash night to look for “treasures.” He called it “treasure hunting” and that is how he eluded people knowing his secret. We would pick up things like televisions and dressers which was just trash to those discarding it, but it was perfect for my dad…it was his treasure!
Then the words, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” resonated in my mind. Ironically, my dad would use these words as he sought his treasures.
In this little adage, much can be learned. I, along with many others, was the epitome of a sinful life. Considered by many people in the world to be trash with no purpose for life, I found Christ as Lord and Savior. So Christ, like my natural dad, took me out of the world’s garbage and I became His treasure. He truly does use “the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.”

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