Monday, October 24, 2005

Survived Wilma!

I know what you are thinking. Why would you stay knowing a hurricane was coming your way? Don’t you have any sense? I do! I sense that God’s presence is with me!
Well, in addition to God’s presence being with me, the bottom line is: we are TIRED of evacuating! After evacuating numerous times in the last year and being hit with the brunt of Hurricane Charley, we were suffering from (if there is such a thing) "evacuation fatigue”. So I just grabbed a couple good books (The Day of the Saints and The Power of Creative Leadership), sat on the leather sofa, and read until my hearts content.
Although we did not get a direct hit by Wilma, wind and water pummeled our house all night long and much of the morning.
While attempting to get some “shut-eye” early in the morning, I would occasionally be woken up to the sound of wind whistling through the house and rain pounding the metal shutters that covered our windows.
Wind in Charlotte County was measured at 70 MPH sustained, and gusts much higher. Around our neighborhood, limbs from trees littered the ground and entire trees were pushed over. However, we survived without any damage to our home, landscape, or family. Praise God!

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